The AA Research Foundation has a number of research programmes focused on different areas of road safety.
Each research programme is overseen by an expert Steering Group made up of people working in the field.
Low-cost safety improvements for rural intersections (Complete)
This research looked into causes of crashes at NZ rural crossroad intersections. The research found that failure to detect an upcoming intersection is a common crash cause. Various changes to road markings and signs were trialed aimed at helping driver awareness of an upcoming intersection where they would need to stop and give way to other traffic.
Driver Licensing (Complete)
This research was undertaken to compare the current driver licensing system in New Zealand with that in other comparable jurisdictions around the world. The goal was to identify key differences for consideration by New Zealand authorities as a way of improving the safety of novice New Zealand drivers.
Comparing Serious Injury & Fatal Crashes (Completed)
The AA Research Foundation wants to better understand whether some circumstances and injuries from car crashes are more likely to lead to deaths rather than serious injuries.
Cycling Safety at Urban Intersections (Completed)
The AA Research Foundation and NZ Transport Agency have jointly commissioned research to better understand cyclist-motorist interactions at intersections.
Driver Risk Awareness (Completed)
This research by the AA Research Foundation is examining proven differences between real and perceived driving risks and ways of improving drivers' assessment of risks they under-estimate.
Youth Traffic Offences (Completed)
Research looking into whether traffic offending is a leading pathway into the criminal justice system for young New Zealanders and whether there are more effective penalties for youths' traffic offences.
Driver Impairment (Complete)
The AA Research Programme on driver impairment has included projects on recidivist drink driving and use of alcohol interlocks.
Five-star Ecosafe Drivers (Completed)
The AA Research Foundation’s five-star driver programme investigated methods for improving drivers' fuel-economy and safety.
Inattention, Distraction and Fatigue (Completed)
This programme of research by the AA Research Foundation attempts to understand the scale of the driver inattention problem and find practical solutions.
Seatbelt Use (Completed)
The number of people who are dying or seriously injured who were not wearing a seatbelt is high in New Zealand.